Host Melissa McCue-McGrath dives deep into the weirdest, funniest, sciency-est ways in which animals intersect at humanity. How is a horse responsible for the FDA? How did fish farts nearly cause bombs to fly between Russia and Sweden? Which pigeon saved 194 soldiers in WW1? Why are honey bees trained to find unexploded landmines in Croatia? Let's go!
Podcasting since 2020 • 138 episodes
Latest Episodes
Bonus: Butt Science and Twitter Bird Bans
First aired February 2023Twitter bans an ornithological society for posting photos of "woodcocks" while Melissa gets banned for "Hairy Man"; The Media takes special care to protect the identity of one little jailbird with hilarious resul...
Season 7
Episode 119

Bonus: Ursa Majors
First aired October 2021Fat Bear Tuesday is the culmination of a week-long bracket-style event inspired by mega-chonk bears and March Madness. What is it? Why is it? Who is going to win? Let's go!****Resources:
Season 7
Episode 118

Bonus: Great Escapes
First Aired: Feb 10, 2022A series of the best and funniest animal escapes, all inspired by a police blotter where a camel chase was afoot on a Kansas golf course....
Season 7
Episode 117

Bonus: Mail Cats?
First aired: August, 2022The Belgian government once used cats to deliver the mail. It went about as well as you would think. Resources for today's exclusive episode:
Season 7
Episode 116

Bonus:Dengue Chicks and the Grocery Store Walk of Shame
First Aired: January 20, 2023This month's bonus ep for you is all about the chickens who give back in rather surprising ways - from keeping 100 tons (?) of food out of our landfills to preventing Dengue Fever in Central Florida.BTW:...
Season 7
Episode 115